What an amazing gadget!
This is my first Multi-Touch mouse.
Apple has built a better mouse.

Without question, nearly everyone believes the equation "Apple = Innovation" is a fundamental truth. Apple is clearly the “Most Admired,” the “Most Innovative," and the “Master at Design.

Magic Mouse — with its low-profile design and seamless top shell — is so sleek and dramatically different, it brings a whole new feel to the way you get around on your Mac. You can’t help but marvel at its smooth, buttonless appearance. Then you touch it and instantly appreciate how good it feels in your hand. But it’s when you start using Magic Mouse that everything comes together.

The Multi-Touch area covers the top surface of Magic Mouse, and the mouse itself is the button. Scroll in any direction with one finger, swipe through web pages and photos with two, and click and double-click anywhere. Inside Magic Mouse is a chip that tells it exactly what you want to do. Which means Magic Mouse won’t confuse a scroll with a swipe. It even knows when you’re just resting your hand on it.

Magic Mouse uses powerful laser tracking that’s far more sensitive and responsive on more surfaces than traditional optical tracking. That means it tracks with precision on nearly every surface — whether it’s a table at your favorite cafe or the desk in your home office — without the need for a mousepad.

Magic Mouse connects to your Mac via Bluetooth wireless technology, so there’s no wire or separate adapter to worry about. Pair Magic Mouse with your Mac and enjoy a reliable and secure connection up to 33 feet away. When you combine Magic Mouse with the Apple Wireless Keyboard, you create a workspace free of annoying cables.

And because Magic Mouse is wireless, it can venture beyond the confines of your desk. A quick flick of the on/off switch helps conserve battery power while Magic Mouse is tucked in your bag. Even when it’s on, Magic Mouse manages power efficiently, by detecting periods of inactivity automatically.

Multi-Touch technology on the iPhone and iPod touch introduced a breakthrough way to interact with your content. Magic Mouse, with its Multi-Touch surface, does the same thing for your Mac. When you use gestures, it’s as if you’re touching what’s on your screen. For instance, swiping through web pages in Safari gives you the feeling of flicking through pages in a magazine. And scrolling with Magic Mouse isn’t your everyday scrolling. It supports momentum scrolling (similar to iPhone and iPod touch), where the scrolling speed is dictated by how fast or slowly you perform the gesture.
Apple’s latest mice sensation – the multi-touch capable Magic Mouse introduced iPhone-style touch capabilities in the world of mice for users running OS X. This amazing product of engineering which is a multi-touch descendant of the iPhone soon became the heartthrob of Mac users. Since Magic Mouse is officially supported to work on Macs only, PC users running Windows were left out in the dark since there is currently no multi-touch capable mouse available for PC market.

Good news is that the folks over at UneasySilence  have managed to hack the driver to make it run on PCs running any version of Windows from XP to 7. Thanks to Apple for the Bluetooth driver update, and thanks to hackers for the hack which has enabled them to extract the two .exe files from the update so that Windows users can enjoy the taste of the first multi-touch capable mouse on their PCs.

With the help of these modified drivers, you can use Apple Magic Mouse on both 32, and 64 bit editions of Windows XP, Vista and 7.

一直以來,我對號稱能把簡報投影片做的很美又很專業的 Keynote 非常感興趣!不過因為都用MS PowerPoint來製做投影片,所以一直沒有深入了解 Keynote~

前陣子憑著自己還不賴的電腦常識+知識,把多年前購置的iBook從Mac OS X 10.4版升級到Leopard (10.5.8版)

也順利把iWork裡的Keynote升級到Keynote '09


1. 每份 Keynote 主題投影片都包含了許多份不同用途的「母投影片(Master slides)」 ,通常都是從工具列上的「Masters」按鈕挑選合適的母投影片來做為配置的架構。如果不從工具列的按鈕挑選,藏在側邊投影片導覽列「slides」往 下拉後就會出現該主題的母投影片囉!


2. 「檢閱器(inspector)」裡面有10個不同的分頁來切換不同功能的細部設定,【Option+單擊任一種分頁】就會將該分頁獨立顯示出來,這對於雙螢幕或大螢幕的使用者可以省去每次切換分頁的時間!

3. 放在投影片上的物件如果不需要移動了,可以使用【Cmd + L】(Arrange → Lock)將它固定住來避免不小心移動到已經調整好的物件,固定的項目四周從方塊變成X。

4. 當你將一張放到投影片的圖片調整大小、做好邊框、陰影.....等細部安排完成後,你希望接下來放進投影片的圖片使用同樣的風格設定時,你可以使用【Option+拖曳】該圖片來複製一份,然後使用「Format → Advanced → Define as media placeholder (Ctrl + Option + Cmd + I)」來將圖片定義為媒體存放器,接下來只要將新增的圖片拖曳到定義為媒體存放器的圖片上,Keynote就會自動保留原本的設定並將圖片取代掉。


5. 插入於 Keynote 的影片檔可以不離開投影片播放狀態來控制,只要直接使用影片上的HUD界面就可以了。

6. Web View(Insert → Web View)可以讓你直接在 Keynote 中插入網頁。插入的網頁可以保持即時更新,點選網頁中的超連結也會呼叫瀏覽器開啟網頁。

最近老闆幫我換了一個新的法拉利名牌筆電—Ferrari One,此款小筆電擁有獨特的時尚外型、冠軍級卓越效能 ,機身的設計讓使用者更好拿取與攜帶,VGA與LAN連接埠的斜角設計,插拔更方便;方格紋的置腕區與Acer FineTip平浮式鍵盤,手感佳且打字更舒適。
內建VISION技術,省電與執行效率的完美平衡;搭載ATI Radeon™ HD 3200整合式晶片組與4GB的記憶體,在執行Windows® 7 家用進階版64位元作業系統時,更流暢犀利。
11.6” LED HD高畫質背光螢幕,支援1366 x 768解析度,Ferrari One堅持影音的追求,影像畫質不容質疑,搭配第三代Dolby® Home Theater®環繞音效,小尺吋也能有精品級的視、聽覺效果。
Ferrari One擁有一流的效能與薄於一英吋的纖薄外型,不僅僅只是快,更是美型、力量與精品工藝的展現! Ferrari One從一開始研發時最原型的概念到產品完成,每個細節都是法拉利精神的貫徹。帶著Ferrari One 200小筆電會是引人注目的時尚焦點。
這是Ferrari One的時尚皮套,筆電的底部還有四個小輪子,簡直就像一部法拉利模型跑車唷!

Ferrari One 200 功能特色:

◎ 支援 多點觸控螢幕
◎ 支援 五合一讀卡插槽、3個 USB 2.0 連接埠
◎ 支援 DDR2 667 MHz 系統記憶體,可在雙soDIMM插槽擴充至4GB
◎ 支援 藍牙模組
◎ 支援 作業系統 Windows® 7 Home Premium
◎ 重量 1.5公斤
■採用AMD Athlon™ X2 L310 處理器
■全新11.6W 鏡面寛螢幕
■320GB 硬碟
■Acer Crystal Eye™暗光補強視訊(30萬畫素)
■Kensington 防盜鎖孔





當我們在使用Windows PC時,可以從功能表清單中,看見位於不同功能項目後的快速鍵指令按法,而MAC同樣也有這樣的功能,不過顯示的更為簡單,許多按鍵名稱都只使用按鍵符號 表示而已,因此如果你和我一樣,也找不到每個按鍵符號各代表哪個按鍵的話,相信所附上的圖片說明會對你有所幫助。


1. 這個圖是一般我們點選[Finder → 檔案]所看到的畫面,而如就是我所指的快速鍵鍵盤符號。
2. 按鍵符號位置對照模擬鍵盤圖(iMac):
其實在語言列的下方,就有一個[顯示虛擬鍵盤](要先到國際設定 → 輸入法選項 勾選開啓)的項目,選擇語言點選後會出現如下圖的[模擬鍵盤],很清楚的顯示原本鍵盤所取代的符號。


I like flowers, especially white and pink roses. I plant roses in seven flower pots on my windowsill. Although now is not the right time for roses to bloom exuberantly, some roses are in blossom.

This is the day view of my mini rose garden.

This is the night view of my mini rose garden.

在報紙上看到一篇女生寫的文章,讓人感觸很深,她因為初戀的失敗,一直離不開失戀的痛苦而有輕生的念頭,在她想自殺的那一剎那,她看到了公車上有的一小段 詩,詩的內容就有這麼一句:『不是路已走到盡頭,而是該轉彎了!』而讓她拋棄了輕生的念頭。

最後她寫說: 大二的我,被一個不速之客擾亂了平靜的生活,卻也不經意的被另一個不速之客救贖了。 生命中總有挫折,那不是盡頭, 只是在提醒你,該轉彎了。


